Allow your shoulders to drop, release the tension in your jaw. You might like to gently move your neck from side to side, to sit up and adjust your posture, or reach up your arms so that you can breathe more deeply into your lungs.
Moments of peace are so important.
And here is today’s Sea Soul Blessing for you - even amongst the challenges, the fear and the distancing, there is still so much that offers us a connection to awe.
May you feel AWE
To pause in awareness that water is anchored to earth, tides turn as the moon circles, the horizon is straight but the world is round, is to feel awe. In the unfathomable magnificence of the sea lies the radiant mystery of your own existence.
May you see the sublime in the everyday. May you stop to notice miracles. May you rise above all unnecessary detail, quarrels or criticism. May you live into wonder.