Reiki music for you.
I'm counting my blessings one by one;
I'm grateful for, a roof over my head, clothes on my body, food on my plate, water in my cup. 60% of the world do not have these things.
I'm grateful that I have access to read, learn and hear spiritual truths.
I'm grateful that I can read, learn and hear.
I'm grateful that I can close my eyes at any moment and pray to Mary, Saraswati, Amma for love, guidance and support on this journey of motherhood. I can be still in that silence and as my mind quietens and slowly turns off I'm left with an incredible softness in my heart, the type that dissolves all anger, fear and doubt. I sit humbly in this little temple of mine. Peace washes over me as I breath God's prana through me. Internalised I return to self, my true self. Om shanti om.
Bodhi sang a kirtan in the car this morning;
I am not this body
I am not this mind
I am not these senses
Immortal self am I
So ham so ham
So ham shivo ham
So ham shivo om
So ham shivo om
Sometimes - most of my time - it is children who remind us of the eternal truth and for this, sweet Bodhi I am eternally grateful, thank you.
More good news; it has been announced that Amma is visiting Australia in April! Are you coming?!
Amma is always giving to her children, hours and hours everyday. She teaches spiritual principles, her gifts are the values of compassion, kindness and love. It is my prayer that I become more like Amma, this wordly mother, the giver to all, the eternally compassionate, kind, gentle mother.
Lady, hear my prayer.
I often take photos of lotus. These ones are from the Krishna Farm in Eungella. I hope they have the same effect as a painting...
"The influence of a lotus flower painting is to open us up to beauty and light. A good lotus flower painting can act as a reminder of the miracle of beauty, light and life. This reminder, communicated on an emotional level, is said to aid both spiritual and practical understanding of Tao, the world and our place in it." From the Platinum Lotus
So ham so ham
So ham shivo ham
So ham shivo om
So ham shivo om