Today is Dazla's birthday. We had been in the kitchen making a Chocolate & Beetroot Cake & messing around with the usual flour, eggs & taking turns mixing when it all got a bit too much for me. I needed to leave the kitchen & slipped out at a 'safe' & appropriate moment. As I walked out, I thought 'Goodness me, I'd love a glass of wine right now." Now being 10:30am. Yes, clearly not coping. As I walked past the front door I saw a package sitting at the step. It was red & yellow & to me it said, 'Emergency!' & like emergency relief my flower essence package from Living Essences had turned up right on time.
I felt relief & peace & calm again. But moments later the, aaghh set in. So I made up my remedy, said a prayer & dropped that precious liquid under my tongue. I have the pictures of the cards above my bed - usually this is all I need - but this time I needed the essences themselves.
The authors of Australian Flower Essences for the 21st Century, Vasudeva & Kadambii Barnao, yogic practioners, studied the oldest living tradition of flower essence therapy under the Nyoongah people. From the elder, Nunjin, they learned that the research they had done was ratified by the ancient practices. Later they also discovered the ancient Buddhist tradition of flower essence therapy, from Malaysia and Thailand, where temples specialise in flower essence healing.
Here's cheers to a fabulous evening of Loving kindness, celebrating our beautiful man, birthday cake, presents, a glass of red wine on the beach & those divine flowers.