This is an invitation for you to become involved in Obaitori. We welcome all – grandmothers, sisters, mothers, aunties, friends, grandfathers, brothers, uncles to discuss & learn spiritual matters & explore how these can open up the creative potential in our lives & those of our family’s.
Recognising that there are as many paths to spiritual enlightenment as there are people in this world, we embrace the teachings of great people from all over the centuries. Traditions, religions, lifestyles, prayer, chanting & philosophies are studied throughout the group meetings. Readings & suggestions are encouraged & are shared by the group/sangha.
The group is non-denominational & openly accepts all peoples beliefs.
We accept that you might have a teacher, teachings pertaining to that teacher & a community, a multifaceted belief system or none of these.
Generally speaking, within the group we learn about both Buddhism & yoga in their true form. That is, Buddhism as a science of the mind & Yoga as the science of life.
One of the main texts we refer to is the book by Sarah Napthali, Buddhism for Mothers published by Allen & Unwin. We discuss various points that arise from these chapters that are meaningful for ourselves. Other texts you will find referred to in the side bar.
Using self-reflection we learn to incorporate various spiritual practices into our daily lives including the yamas (social observances) & niyamas (personal observances) of raja yoga.
We learn, practise & experiment with various methods of yoga, through Satyananda Yoga which teaches the aspirant to use the personality wholistically ~ head, heart & hands. Satyananda Yoga encompasses all of the five main yogic paths – hatha, raja, bhakti, mantra & gyana yoga.
We nurture the spiritual development of our/all children using a variety of activities & experiences. We learn, share & teach each other, our main teachers being the innocent, the children.
It is important to have a study partner. This is someone whom you share a common thread. It may be a spiritual thread or otherwise. But ultimately it will be a sister /brother you trust, someone who you can share personal thoughts, ideas & concepts with. Study partners meet in person, via email, telephone & on the Obaitori website.
To join the group, click on Follow or Subscribe.
This is how our group works. You might be inspired to create your own spiritual parenting group. Having one or two other people who are intrinsically motivated to walk on the spiritual path & support others in their desire is all that is necessary.
Our group has been meeting since 2006. We started off in a local church building with a very open minister who was very happy we were there & even encouraged us to 'om' & do yoga nidra on the altar. Later we moved to the group to my home. We currently meet at the Central Coast Montessori School. We meet once a month & often break for winter. During those winters we have organised Red Tent meetings.
Let your eyes look with kindness, your tongue speak
with sweetness & your hand touch with gentleness.
- Sri Swami Sivananda.